Drawings by Evgeniya Zabrotska
Busya’s drawings from student’s time. Рисунки Evgeniya Zabrotska училищного времени. Я очень рада хранить их.
Tatyana Binovskaya Art
Busya’s drawings from student’s time. Рисунки Evgeniya Zabrotska училищного времени. Я очень рада хранить их.
My beloved friend Busya –Evgeniya Zabrotska Several girls from my group lived in an apartment on Gorky Street, and my most beloved girlfriend lived with them, her name was Zhenya, and we called her Busya. To this day, we communicate … Читать далее
My friends Senya Shimon Okshteyn and Slavik Bronislav Tutelman When we entered the first year of college, we were immediately warned that we would be required to be models for the 4th year students. That was the rule. So we … Читать далее
My artworks created at that time with Lena. Это работы того времени. 70-е года, прошлого столетия.
Filatov and model. One day we came to classes, but we did not have a model for a portrait. Filatov said that it is our business to find a model. He freed us from classes and sent us in search … Читать далее
Lena – Leika Lena was the daughter of a general and the special girl with a very strong character. Lena loved to sharply criticize any events and phenomena. We were friends and after graduating from college continued to do a … Читать далее
Freedom of expression. For me, while studying at the Art Colledge, it has come the time for free and independent expression. I could do makeup and dress up as my soul like. The scale of how well I looked was … Читать далее
Atmosphere and failure in the Art Colledge by M. Grecov. What can I say about the atmosphere of Grekovka – it was amazing! Not a single student thinks of himself as a teacher of drawing… Each student considered himself … Читать далее
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYmVlKsj9hs А теперь СЮРПРИЗ!!! Сегодня моя внучка Марсель, сделала для нас видео историю “Танечки” с моими иллюстрациями УРА!!! And now SURPRISE !!! Today, my granddaughter Marcel, made for us the video story “Tanесhka” with my illustrations!! Hurray!!!
Konstantin Filatov Konstantin Vladimirovich Filatov taught me in Art Colledge, He was a very strong, strong-willed person, he looked like a French actor Jean Mare. Filatov knew how to set us up for serious studies. School critics said that visiting … Читать далее