House of Officers
House of Officers. Since most of the families in our Block were military families, the Palace of Officers was located next to our Block. It is now standing in the same place. For us, it was a house of culture. … Читать далее
Tatyana Binovskaya Art
House of Officers. Since most of the families in our Block were military families, the Palace of Officers was located next to our Block. It is now standing in the same place. For us, it was a house of culture. … Читать далее
STOKER PlACE Next to our house, there was a stoker – a building in the basement of which technical services were located for heating the entire town. There were several levels so the top occupied by us. We draw with … Читать далее
SHADOWS ON THE PAVEMENT We spent a lot of time on the street, only during lunch and in the afternoon we ran home. Usually, mothers shouted loudly to us from the balcony, causing us to go home for lunch. As … Читать далее
HIKING TO THE BEACH Otrada beach We went to the beach ourselves, without adults, having gathered in a big company and spent there the whole day. Parents were quite calm about this, and it never crossed their minds to worry … Читать далее
Ode to Mulberry. This small and not very noticeable tree grew, one might say, in the center of all our events – right in front of our balcony. We played football on the playground next to the mulberry tree. There … Читать далее
STORIES. CHILDHOOD We went to a new apartment on Pirogovskaya, near to the Polytechnic Institute.I was about 5-6 years old.I remember the room, the desk lamp and the syringe box. Everyone, including my father, got sick at the same time and … Читать далее
First childhood memories. My first clear childhood memories are more likely associated with photographs that were kept in the family, which is why it seems to me that I remember those events. I was born 9 years … Читать далее
Всем привет! Я решила начать писать свои воспоминания! Моим внучкам Марсель и Шарлот посвящается. Я очень богата, у меня уже 5 внуков, 2 девочки и три мальчика. Я заметила, что Марсель, которая живет в Одессе с очень большим вниманием слушает мои … Читать далее