Sveta Herzesco
Sveta Hertsesko studied in the same group with me. Sveta was originally from Moldova and considered herself Romanian. Sveta was a complete girl and very warm in communication. I loved her very much, she was sometimes as close to me as my mother. It was thanks to Sveta that I had trips and participation in archaeological expeditions in my life. It was an unforgettable experience and amazing new acquaintances.
The first expedition took place in the summer after the end of the 2nd year classes in the Odessa Art College.
In order to get to the place of the expedition, I bought a train ticket to Chisinau.
There I had to take a bus and get to the city of Orhei and find Sveta’s house there and then go to the village of Trebujeni. Everything seemed to be clear.
I, so beautiful, having put on all the available beads on the train, went to Chisinau, absolutely not thinking that the train would arrive late in the evening.
Arriving in Chisinau, at the bus station it turned out that not a single bus in the direction I needed was gone – it was too late.
I was only 14-15 years old. In Chisinau, I did not have any of my acquaintances, and the idea of settling in a hotel simply was not in my mind, and, moreover, I was not an adult.
What do you think I did?
I stopped a passing car and went to Ogreev in the company of two strangers.
Until now, I am very grateful to my fate – nothing happened to me. Scrolling through this plot in my head, I understand that I took a great risk.
At home, from where I left, everyone knew that I had gone to work, there was no telephone connection at that time, and on the expedition, if I had not arrived, no one would have looked for me.
Fortunately, I successfully reached Orhei bus station by the middle of the night. At the station there was a picturesque and unfamiliar environment for me – shepherds spent the night there with the sheep.
I was scared to go to an unfamiliar city at night, I sat until morning at the station.
It was getting light, and I decided to go in search of Sveta’s house, but I was very lucky – just turning the corner, I saw my dear Sveta and our mutual friend Valya. They were just heading to the bus station to go to Trebujeni. Thus my strange adventure ended quite well.

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