“Parking Girl” 100x70cm, unavailable in Ukraine.
“Parking Girl” 100x70cm, unavailable in Ukraine.
  http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska/   Я очень люблю портрет этой девушки парковщицы и для меня он олицетворение дружелюбия и любви к ближнему, которым наполнен прекрасный город Кейптаун. Этот портрет один, из серии Бискит Мила, о котором я еще напишу в своих записках. Возможны заказы на портреты и даже на расстоянии, через интернет I really love the portrait of this girl parkswoman and for me he is the personification of friendliness and love for one's neighbor, who is filled with the beautiful city of Cape Town. This portrait is one, from the Biskit Mila series, about which I will write in my notes. Possible orders for portraits and even at a distance, via the Internet.
$2,500.00 В корзину
“Remeniscence” 150x70cm, unavalable in Ukraine
“Remeniscence” 150x70cm, unavalable in Ukraine
  http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska/ Original work can be purchased. For questions, please refer to the comments! Prints and posters available in my Redbubble.! This Painting is belong to my  series "Ah, Africa" ​​depicts a woman in the clothes of the Khoza tribe, I met her in the center of Cape Town and I really liked the image. Despite the fact that she lives a modern life, she feels an undeniable connection with her ancestors, their culture and traditions. It seemed to me that her eyes, the foremothers are looking at civilization.
$3,700.00 В корзину
“Sound of Drums” 100x50cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
“Sound of Drums” 100x50cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.

http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska/ This work is painted specifically for the group exhibition in Pretoria, South Africa. The theme of the exhibition is "Do you hear the sound of the drums?" At artwork is my favorite model of Roxanne, in the clothes of the ZULU tribe. All the beads on her attire are made with voluminous paints of French origin.  

$2,800.00 В корзину