“Enjoyment” 70x140cm,available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
“Enjoyment” 70x140cm,available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.

http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska/ This is the artwork of the project "Ah, Africa" ​​created in 2006. This year I visited Cape Town for the first time and this city, this country became for me a real mecca. Here everything was unusually bright and filled with love. The project has acquired great importance in the life of Ukraine, the exhibition of the project traveled from city to city with the support of the Embassy of South Africa in Ukraine.  

$5,500.00 В корзину
“Model” 49x53cm, private collection, Odesa, Ukraine.
“Model” 49x53cm, private collection, Odesa, Ukraine.

Оригинал работы находится в частной коллекции. Возможен заказ авторской копии, а так же принтов,постеров, а так же других изделий The original artwork is in a private collection. You can order an author's copy, as well as prints, posters, as well as other products!

$2,000.00 В корзину