“Morning in Noordhoek” 50x70cm,  private collection, Israel
“Morning in Noordhoek” 50x70cm, private collection, Israel
Я очень люблю заниматься живописью. Для меня это продолжение медитации. Я люблю писать все- пейзажи, людей и особенно цветы. И конечно же, предпочитаю лилии. Они необыкновенные. Еще хочу добавить, лилии в ЮАР, не обладают таким насыщенным запахом, как обычно, поэтому писать их намного легче! I really enjoy painting. For me, this is the continuation of meditation. I like to paint all the scenery, people and especially flowers. And of course, I prefer lilies. They are extraordinary. I also want to add, lilies in South Africa, do not have such a rich smell, as usual, so writing them is much easier! http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska/  
$3,350.00 В корзину
“Proteas” 70x90cm, private collection, Cape Town, SA
“Proteas” 70x90cm, private collection, Cape Town, SA
Принты и постеры можно заказать в моих магазинах на Redbubble http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska/ Prints and posters available in my Redbubble. Нет ничего прекрасней чем весна на Западном побережье Капского полуострова. Здесь находится настоящее Царство Цветов. Те, кто приезжает в Кейптаун летом, могут удивляться- о каком царстве идет речь? Летом все выгорает- а весной природа отворяет настоящий калейдоскоп цвета- белые цветы сменяются желтыми, затем оранжевыми, затем цветами цвета фуксии, от которых зашкаливает камера. Но самый прекрасный из видов это- протеи!! There is nothing more beautiful than spring on the Western coast of the Cape Peninsula. There is the real Kingdom of Flowers. Those who come to Cape Town in the summer can wonder what kingdom is in question? In summer everything burns out-and in spring nature opens a real kaleidoscope of color-white flowers are replaced by yellow, then orange, then with fuchsia flowers, from which the camera rolls over. But the most beautiful of the species is the protea!  
$2,500.00 В корзину
“Purple Lillies” 100x126cm, Saatchi Gallery.
“Purple Lillies” 100x126cm, Saatchi Gallery.
The original sold by Saatchi Art Gallery. In our house in Nordock, which was not far from Cape Town there are always a lot of flowers. Our daughter Rada likes to decorate the house with flowers. Once she bought absolutely incredible lilies, such I had never seen before. Of course, I painted them on a large canvas. Prints, posters and a big variety of beautiful products from my http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska

$16,000.00 В корзину
“Strelitzia Reginae” 100x100cm, unavailable in Ukraine
“Strelitzia Reginae” 100x100cm, unavailable in Ukraine
  http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska/    Prints and posters available in my Redbubble  artshop. https://www.redbubble.com/people/Binovska/shop?asc=u&ref=account-nav-dropdown The nature in South Africa is incredible. Along with the local plants, which are called Feinbos, which means "high bushes" in the translation from the Old Dutch language, there are still many imported plants. Every person who moves to South Africa, necessarily brings here a piece of his homeland. Not all plants take root. But Strelitziia pleases the eye and imagination. This work from the series "Ah" Africa "
$2,500.00 В корзину