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“Best Wishes 1” 120x150cm, private collection LA, USA
Оригинал этой работы находится в частной коллекции. Возможен заказ не только принтов и постеров, но так же многочисленной продукции, начиная с открыток и заканчивая шторами, пододеяльниками и настенными коврами. Все это можно посмотреть в моих магазинах по этой ссылке
The original of this work is in a private collection. You can order not only prints and posters, but also numerous products, from postcards to curtains, duvet covers and wall rugs. All this can be seen in my stores at this link:
Возможен заказ авторской копии. Работа из серии «Магия Африки»

“Zebras” 70x90cm, available in Binovska Gallery, Cape Town, SA
Artwork from the series "Magic of Africa".
For me, grown up in an urban environment where communication with animals was limited to cats and dogs, the world of African savana and bush became a real paradise. I can ride a jeep around the world and observe the harmony of nature in silence. It's great!
You can purchase the original, delivery from South Africa, as well as you can buy posters, and other products on my sites.