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“Lady&Chameleon” 40x30cm, private collection, Cape Town, SA
I was born in Ukraine and as every citizen of my country is interested in the history of my country. I always wondered where the name Ukraine came from. In Ukrainian, "kraina" is a country. It turns out that Ukraine is a country!
After spending the summer at a dacha in Odessa, my grandchildren inspired me to create a new series of a country of elves and amazing animals in the country of Uhlend !!! The color solution of the series was influenced by my trip to Australia, where I liked the multicolored hairstyles of people.
Я родилась в Украине и как каждый гражданин своей страны интересуюсь историей. Мне всегда было интересно откуда произошло название Украина. На украинском языке «краина»- это страна. Выходит что Украина- это страна У!!!
Проведя лето на даче в Одессе, мои внуки вдохновили меня на создание новой серии- страны эльфов и удивительных животных страны Уленд!!! На цветовое решение серии повлияла моя поездка в Австралию, где мне очень понравились разноцветные прически людей.

“Remeniscence” 150x70cm, unavalable in Ukraine
Original work can be purchased. For questions, please refer to the comments! Prints and posters available in my Redbubble.!
This Painting is belong to my series "Ah, Africa" depicts a woman in the clothes of the Khoza tribe, I met her in the center of Cape Town and I really liked the image. Despite the fact that she lives a modern life, she feels an undeniable connection with her ancestors, their culture and traditions. It seemed to me that her eyes, the foremothers are looking at civilization.