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“Bless and Save my Odesa” 100x100cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus
“Save and save my Odessa”
A full-scale war has been going on in my country for the second year. Civilians are dying and the city is being wiped off the face of the earth. Until recently, my hometown held out, but the war came there too.
The idea of creating this picture was given to me by my daughter Sylvia, who was born and raised in Odessa, for whom the days of merciless shelling of our city by enemies aroused strong feelings. I, like many Odessans, believe that our enemies will not be able to destroy our pearl, and our defenders will be able to save the city from destruction. And Sylvia and I will become GUARDS and with all the strength of our souls we will pray for a speedy victory in this crazy war!
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