
“Утро в Уманском парке. Гербарий”
холст/масло, 70х90
Tatyana Binovskaya Art
Original purchased in Collection of Odessa State Literature Museum, Ukraine
Prints and posters available.
Оригинал работы приобретен Одесским Государственным Литературным Музеем Украины. Возможен заказ принтов и постеров.
South Africa is beautiful. After spending more than 10 years in it, almost without leaving I missed the real autumn. A wonderful gift for my soul was a trip to Uman Park in Ukraine. Autumn in the park is magical and the history of the park inspired me to create this artwork.
Южная Африка прекрасна. Проведя более 10 лет, практически не выезжая я соскучилась о настоящей осени.Прекрасным подарком для души для меня стала поездка в Уманский парк в Украине. Осень в парке волшебна, а история парка вдохновила меня на создание этой работы.
http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska/ Prints and posters available in my Redbubble.
Morning on Clifton is not forgotten. The ocean before your eyes does not lie in the plane, but stands vertically, like a wall of blue glowing mass of water. The smell of kelp fills the bedroom with the aroma of freshness and summer.
http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska/ This is the artwork of the project "Ah, Africa" created in 2006. This year I visited Cape Town for the first time and this city, this country became for me a real mecca. Here everything was unusually bright and filled with love. The project has acquired great importance in the life of Ukraine, the exhibition of the project traveled from city to city with the support of the Embassy of South Africa in Ukraine.
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