Назад к Tatyana Binovska Art
“At Noordhoek Beach” 60x80cm, private collection, Germany.
My latest commission painting! Would you like your own one? Please do not be shy, just let me know and you will be as happy, as this wonderful couple, Fabian and Silvia!
Oil on canvas, 60x80cm, 2023, Cape Town
Категории: Paintings, Tatyana Binovska Art, Ukrainian Art
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“Parking Girl” 100x70cm, unavailable in Ukraine.
Я очень люблю портрет этой девушки парковщицы и для меня он олицетворение дружелюбия и любви к ближнему, которым наполнен прекрасный город Кейптаун. Этот портрет один, из серии Бискит Мила, о котором я еще напишу в своих записках. Возможны заказы на портреты и даже на расстоянии, через интернет
I really love the portrait of this girl parkswoman and for me he is the personification of friendliness and love for one's neighbor, who is filled with the beautiful city of Cape Town. This portrait is one, from the Biskit Mila series, about which I will write in my notes. Possible orders for portraits and even at a distance, via the Internet.
“Enjoyment” 70x140cm,available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska/ This is the artwork of the project "Ah, Africa" created in 2006. This year I visited Cape Town for the first time and this city, this country became for me a real mecca. Here everything was unusually bright and filled with love. The project has acquired great importance in the life of Ukraine, the exhibition of the project traveled from city to city with the support of the Embassy of South Africa in Ukraine.
“Night Dreams” 70x70cm, private collection Cape Town, SA.
The original of this work was sold a private collection. You can order not only prints and posters, but also numerous products, from postcards to curtains, duvet covers and wall rugs. All this can be seen in my stores at this link:
You can order an author's copy. Work from the series "Magic of Africa"
“Lady Autumn and Lady Winter” 89x122cm, unavailable in Ukraine.
This painting is one of the series "Ladies" which I started in South Africa. To create a series I was inspired to meet with the real ladies of Cape Town. For the first time in my life I met people who are very different from all those whom I met before. These people do not have to think about work. Their life is filled with art and entertainment. They are heirs of great fortunes. And women are busy with their homes and their comfort. It's so beautiful and I'm sure that's in their homes necessarily live fairies.
Эта живопись одна из серии "Леди" которую я начала в Южной Африке. На создание серии меня вдохновили знакомства с настоящими леди Кейптауна. Впервые в жизни я встретила людей, которые очень отличаются от все тех, кого я встречала ранее. Этим людям не приходится думать о работе. Их жизнь наполнена искусством и развлечениями. Они наследники больших состояний. А женщины заняты своими домами и их уютом. Это так красиво и я уверенна, что в их домах обязательно живут феи.
На этой работе я описываю приближение к прекрасной осени первых заморозков. Когда они нежно пощипывают нашу кожу
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