Maritime Art Gallery Exhibition of young Japanese artists
In October, a very important and interesting exhibition was held at the Maritime Gallery. For the first time, the gallery presented works by Japanese artists and it was extremely interesting.
For me personally, Japan is a land of fantastic dreams. I have always dreamed of getting into it, but not as a tourist. Several times I applied for participation in the art residency program, but it is possible that I did not pass the age qualification. So it remained an unfulfilled dream in my life. And then there is such magic – very young artists came to the gallery and I was very curious to watch the preparation of the exposition.
For me personally, Japan is a land of fantastic dreams. I have always dreamed of getting into it, but not as a tourist. Several times I applied for participation in the art residency program, but it is possible that I did not pass the age qualification. So it remained an unfulfilled dream in my life. And then there is such magic – very young artists came to the gallery and I was very curious to watch the preparation of the exposition.
The .JPEG exhibition and art festival was organized thanks to the initiative of the international company Japan Tobacco International (JTI). The event is organized by the advertising agency Maximum Maximorum, as well as the initiative creative group “KraiNeVazhno”
Морская Арт Галерея Выставка молодых японских художников
В октябре в Морской галерее прошла весьма важная и интересная выставка японских художников и это было чрезвычайно интересно.
Для меня лично Япония, страна фантастических грез. Я всегда мечтала попасть в нее, но не в качестве туриста. Я несколько раз подавала документы на участие в программе арт резиденции, но возможно по возрастному цензу не прошла. Так что это осталось в моей жизни не исполненной мечтой. А тут такое волшебство- в галерею приехали совсем молодые художники и мне было очень любопытно наблюдать за подготовкой экспозиции.
Выставка и арт -фестиваль .JPEG были организована благодаря инициативе международной компании Japan Tobacco International (JTI). Организаторами события выступают рекламное агентство Maximum Maximorum, а также инициативная творческая группа «КрайНеВажно»
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