Sylvia is waiting for Theo! Baby Shower!
2009 was rich in a variety of events in our family.
Both of our girls were expecting a new addition to their families this year. Both were expecting children.
Thanks to Rada and our visit to Cape Town, it has become a tradition for us to arrange a Baby Shower, congratulating the expectant mother on her pregnancy. And this time I, together with my friend Sylvia Alina Gaydenko, started organizing the fest. We made a surprise for Sylvia!
Сильвия в ожидании Тео! Беби Шауэр!
2009 год был богат на самые разные события в нашей семье.
Обе наши девочки, в этом году ожидали пополнение в своих семьях. Обе ждали детей.
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