Tatyana Binovska Art
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“Regards from Eternity” 170x250cm, private collection, Japan.

“Remeniscence” 150x70cm, unavalable in Ukraine

“Rock Painting” 120x150cm, unavailable in Ukraine.

“Roses” 35x45cm, private collection, LA, USA

“Roses” 40x40cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.

“Roxanne & Angels” 140×100, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska/ This is my favorite model, Roxanne. I met her at the fashion market in Cape Town The Old Biscuit Mill and invited to become my model. Roxanne is a real and famous model in South Africa and I am very glad to get acquainted with such a beautiful woman.

“Secrets of the Night” 90x70cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine. 2020
Tatyana Binovska "secrets of the night" oil on canvas, 90x70 cm, 2020 This is another work of my series "Magic Africa". I like to work in series, as I can always return to my favorite topic! My dream is to live in an African bush, where you can watch animals live day and night. #tatyanabinovskaart #binovskaartshop

“Snowdrops” 100x80cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.

“Sound of Drums” 100x50cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska/ This work is painted specifically for the group exhibition in Pretoria, South Africa. The theme of the exhibition is "Do you hear the sound of the drums?" At artwork is my favorite model of Roxanne, in the clothes of the ZULU tribe. All the beads on her attire are made with voluminous paints of French origin.

“Spring. Irises” 45x45cm, private collection, Odesa, Ukraine

“Stealing Beauty” 40x30cm, availavle ar “Musa” gallery, Ukraine.

“Strelitzia Reginae” 100x100cm, unavailable in Ukraine

“Sugar birds” 70×50, available at Binovska Gallery, Cape Town, SA

“Summer 2020” 50x50cm, 2020 Available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
After months of imprisonment during quarantine, you feel your life especially valuable. Each breath of fresh air, the whisper of sea waves gives me the happiness of being!

“Summer Beauty”80x100cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Limassol
Flowers, Hydrangea, pink flowers, botanical, bouquet, bush, floral, nature, summer, enjoyment
I have been living in exile for the second year now, but I am trying to change the anger in my soul to the everyday joy of being. No one can know what will happen to us in the next moment. You just need to live, and our life is priceless.

“Sunflowers” 100x100cm, available at Binovska Gallery Cyprus.

“Take me Home” 90x60cm, 2021, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
Unification of the elements What is our element - is it the Earth from which we begin and into which we leave? Is it the Water of which our body consists? Is this Air without which we cannot live even for a few minutes? Or is it Infinity, the dwelling place of our Soul?

“Taste of the Victory” 90x120cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.

“The Touch” 80x100cm, 2021. Аvailable at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.

“Turquase People”70x50cm, 2020, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
I do not know about you, but I am happy to return to life after quarantine and enjoy the wonderful summer in Odessa by the sea. And I am very inspired by the beauty of the sea, flowers and of course people! I am absolutely free in my work and create pictures of what pleases me and I hope that my work will not leave you indifferent. Love life - this is the most important thing!

“Ukrainian Fantasy ” 120x100cm, unavailable in Ukraine.

“Ukrainian Venice. Vilkovo” 150×300 (Triptikh) unavailable in Ukraine.

“Uliana” 80×60 cm, 2018, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska/ Original work can be purchased. For questions, please refer to the comments! Prints and posters available in my Redbubble artshop. "Ulyana, this is the portrait of an incredibly beautiful Ukrainian girl whom I met while traveling in India. My series "Lady", started in South Africa, has become filled not only with South African beauties and I am confident that soon there will appear in her ladies of different corners of our planet. "Ульяна", это образ невероятно красивой украинской девушки с которой я познакомилась во время путешествия по Индии. Моя серия "Леди", начатая в ЮАР, стала наполнятся не только южноафриканскими красавицами и я уверенна, что вскоре в ней появятся леди разных уголков нашей планеты.

“Unconquerable” 90x100cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.
Наша гордість. Присвячується нашим мужнім військовим, які борються за незалежність України. У деяких країнах воїни розфарбовували свої обличчя перед боєм для залякування ворога. Нашим Азовцям- це не потрібно одне слово Азов, приводить їх до конвульсіям. Я написала цю роботу і для створення образу Дениса Прокопенка, командира Азова, я скористалася фотографіями з інтернету, а для фону використала роботу Ірини Рибакової, військового кореспондента, знайомством, з якою я дуже пишаюся. Ця серія – мій посильний внесок у нашу неминучу перемогу! Слава Україні. Слава героям!

“Waiting for a Prince” 100x80cm, unavailable in Ukraine.

“Water Lillies on the Rain” 50x70cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.

“We took Odessa” 50x60cm, unavailable in Ukraine.

“Where clouds are born” 90x70cm, 2019 available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
Do you have a place where you can watch the birth of clouds? And I have- it is Nordhoek. A tiny, barely visible cloud forms in the sky, and if there is some time, then you can see how a real large cloud is born and grows, which can then linger for a long time over Chapmans Peak. This is a place of power and a place of my dreams. Есть ли у вас место где вы можете наблюдать рождение облаков? А у меня есть- это Нордок. В небе образуется малюсенькое еле видное облачко и если есть немогог времени то можно видеть как из него рождается и растет настоящее большое облако, которое потом может задержаться надолго над Чапманс Пиком. Это место силы и место мечтаний.

“Wodaabe man” 70x100cm, available At Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
It is with great pleasure that I announce the beginning of my new series of works entitled “People of the World”. I really like to paint portraits, but I was never happy with the size. Now I have come to make large-size drawings and this has opened up new incredible opportunities for me! I also want to add that each of you can be represented in my series, I accept orders! Я с большим удовольствием обьявляю начало своей новой серии работ под названием “Люди мира” Я очень люблю рисовать портреты, но меня никогда не устраивал размер. Сейчас я пришла к тому, чтобы делать рисунки большого размера и это открыло для меня новые невероятные возможности! Еще хочу добавить, что каждый из Вас может быть представленным в моей серии, я принимаю заказы!

“Wow, Africa” 145x76cm, private collection, Ukraine.

“Zebras from Akrounta” 90x120cm, private collection, Kenia.

“Zebras” 70x90cm, available in Binovska Gallery, Cape Town, SA

The first time during the safari I really wanted to see the giraffes and it was extraordinary. The driver showed me in the distance on the hill a herd of these beautiful Первый раз во время сафари мне очень хотелось увидеть жирафов и это было необыкновенно. Водитель показал мне вдалеке на холме стадо этих необыкновенных животных возвышавшихся над деревьями как высокие, яркие столбы электропередач. Но позже, я поняла, что безмерно влюблена в слонов, этих огромных и очень чувствительных великанов.

Lady & Elephants” 84x59cm, private collection, Ukraine.