“Roses” 40x40cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.
“Roses” 40x40cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.
My life goes on despite the fact that there is a war. Life is priceless and no one will take away my desire to admire the beautiful treasures of nature. I am strong and independent, like my country Ukraine. Thank you to those who support me in such a difficult time by buying my paintings. Glory to Ukraine!
$800.00 В корзину
“Sugar birds” 70×50, available at Binovska Gallery, Cape Town, SA
“Sugar birds” 70×50, available at Binovska Gallery, Cape Town, SA
Noordhoеk, place where I live is located near Cape Town. People who prefer to be closer to nature live in. Surrounded by mountains, with a magnificent beach, Nordhoek gives us peace and enjoyment of nature and its inhabitants. Поселение Нордок находиться недалеко от Кейптауна. В нем живут люди, которые предпочитают быть ближе к природе. Окруженный горами, с великолепным пляжем Нордок дарит нам умиротворение и наслаждение природой и ее обитателями.
$1,200.00 В корзину
“Sunflowers” 100x100cm, available at Binovska Gallery Cyprus.
“Sunflowers” 100x100cm, available at Binovska Gallery Cyprus.
Сьогодні 14 червня закінчила ще одну роботу. Мої соняшники. Спочатку я планувала зробити її патріотичною на тлі синього неба, яка втілює наш український прапор, але потім змінила своє рішення. Мені захотілося написати соняшники на тлі тривожного сірого неба, такого тривожного, як наше життя далеко від Батьківщини. Today, June 14, I finished another artwork. My sunflowers. Initially, I planned to make it patriotic against the blue sky, personifying our Ukrainian flag, but then I changed my mind. I wanted to paint sunflowers against the background of a disturbing gray sky, as disturbing as our life away from our homeland.
$2,500.00 В корзину
“Taste of the Victory” 90x120cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.
“Taste of the Victory” 90x120cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.
"Taste of the Victory" is the name of my new painting. I returned to my roots. Once upon a time in the distant 90s, when my country Ukraine gained independence, I embarked on my creative path as a painter with just such a style - I found myself! But at the time, I was dependent on outsiders, my so-called friends, who scoffed at my quest. They confused me. But now, having gone through a wonderful creative path, I am returning to myself - proud and independent, such as my beautiful country!5
$5,000.00 В корзину
“Theo in Akrounta village” 90x60cm, 2022, private collection, Cyprus.
“Theo in Akrounta village” 90x60cm, 2022, private collection, Cyprus.
[caption id="attachment_14565" align="alignnone" width="188"] Tatyana Binovska 'Portrait of Theo in Akrounta" Oil on canvas, 90x60 cm, 2022[/caption]
“Unconquerable” 90x100cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.
“Unconquerable” 90x100cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.

Наша гордість. Присвячується нашим мужнім військовим, які борються за незалежність України. У деяких країнах воїни розфарбовували свої обличчя перед боєм для залякування ворога. Нашим Азовцям- це не потрібно одне слово Азов, приводить їх до конвульсіям. Я написала цю роботу і для створення образу Дениса Прокопенка, командира Азова, я скористалася фотографіями з інтернету, а для фону використала роботу Ірини Рибакової, військового кореспондента, знайомством, з якою я дуже пишаюся. Ця серія – мій посильний внесок у нашу неминучу перемогу! Слава Україні. Слава героям!

“Water Lillies on the Rain” 50x70cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.
“Water Lillies on the Rain” 50x70cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.
"Beauty will save the world!" No matter how the damned rashists try to exterminate us Ukrainians, nothing will come of them! Despite the fact that I have to leave my home, I still have the strength to live and create wonderful moments of life. Glory to Ukraine!
$1,300.00 В корзину
“Where clouds are born” 90x70cm, 2019 available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
“Where clouds are born” 90x70cm, 2019 available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.

Do you have a place where you can watch the birth of clouds? And I have- it is Nordhoek. A tiny, barely visible cloud forms in the sky, and if there is some time, then you can see how a real large cloud is born and grows, which can then linger for a long time over Chapmans Peak. This is a place of power and a place of my dreams. Есть ли у вас место где вы можете наблюдать рождение облаков? А у меня есть- это Нордок. В небе образуется малюсенькое еле видное облачко и если есть немогог времени то можно видеть как из него рождается и растет настоящее большое облако, которое потом может задержаться надолго над Чапманс Пиком. Это место силы и место мечтаний.

$2,500.00 В корзину
“Wow, Africa” 145x76cm, private collection, Ukraine.
“Wow, Africa” 145x76cm, private collection, Ukraine.
This artwork became a symbol of my art project "Ah, Africa" ​​which started in 2006 and the exhibition of works of this project was shown in many cities of Ukraine, with the support of the Embassy of South Africa.
$2,800.00 В корзину
“Yellow Lillies” 100x100cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.
“Yellow Lillies” 100x100cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.
[caption id="attachment_13023" align="alignnone" width="300"] Tatyana Binovska "Yellow Lillies. Cyprus" Oil painting on canvas, 100x100cm, 2022[/caption]
$3,500.00 В корзину
“Zebras from Akrounta” 90x120cm, private collection, Kenia.
“Zebras from Akrounta” 90x120cm, private collection, Kenia.
My "zebra" paintings have already become my real brand. They have been to Africa, Australia, Europe, America and now they have reached Cyprus. I now live in a picturesque village called Akrounta, the landscape around me is filled with yellow-green colors, and I lacked blue. And now my zebras are free, they fly over the village and fill it with color and energy despite the heat! Sold in private collection, Kenia https://www.saatchiart.com/art/Painting-Zebras-from-Akrounta/71419/9557439/view
$2,900.00 В корзину
Lady & Elephants” 84x59cm, private collection, Ukraine.
Lady & Elephants” 84x59cm, private collection, Ukraine.
Принты и постеры можно заказать в моих магазинах на Redbubble. http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska/ Prints and posters available in my Redbubble and Society6 artshops! Artwork from the "Ladies series" This series was created in Cape Town and on it I decided to show the beauty of South African women and nature. In the Western Cape is located the so-called "Kingdom of Flowers", a plants called the fairbos, from ancient Dutch it is "big bushes". The beauty of these plants is indescribable and the main kind of kingdom are the proteas Flowers. And the most attractive animal for me, of course, are elephants. Работа из серии «Леди» Эта серия была создана в Кейптауне и на ней я решила показать красоту южноафриканских женщин и природы. В Западном Кейпе расположено так называемое «Царство Цветов», растения под названием феинбос, с древне голландского языка это «большие кусты». Красота этих растений неописуема и основным видом царства являются протеи. А самым симпатичным для меня животным, конечно же является слон.
$2,800.00 В корзину