world art
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“Afternoon Siesta”. 60x80cm, 2018, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
Having lived for a long time in Africa, I was convinced that people living in close proximity with animals find greater harmony with the outside world. they become much wiser, kind, and noble. And since I am now divorced from this wonderful world, I want to populate the city in which I live now, the city of Odessa, with a large number of African animals. Prints and posters available on my Прожив долгое время в Африке, я убедилась в том, что люди живущие в непосредственной близости с животными обретают большую гармонию с окружающим миром. они становятся намного более мудрыми, добрыми и благородными. И так как я сейчас оторвана от этого чудесного мира, мне хочется населить город в котором я живу сейчас, город Одессу, большим количеством африканских животных.

“Bathing zebras” 60x80cm available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
During the Great Migration, zebras and other animals next to them make long and tedious many kilometers of crossings, so enjoying swimming in the river is a great pleasure for everyone!

“Birdie” Azov Angels series. 2022 80x100cm, Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.
Війна увійшла, увірвалася до нашої оселі, зруйнувала життя і надії, зіпсувала нашу прекрасну землю-рідну Україну. Це моторошно і нестерпно. Але це об'єднало нас усіх і виявило ту приховану силу та мужність, яку ми, українці несемо у своїй душі. Піднялися неймовірні люди, наші герої захисники і надали відсіч шаленим тваринам. Доля захисників Азов стали схвилювала мільйони людей у світі, а мене особисто, до глибини дкші торкнулася маленька дівчинка, яка співає пісні в катівнях заводу. Її життя і доля вразила мою уяву і я вирішила ще тоді писати її портрет. Мені було не дуже зручно, те, що я особисто з нею незнайома і що мені потрібно буде використовувати чужі фото-це мене на той час зупинило. Але після того, як азовці потрапили в полон, я навіть у своїх страшних снах не уявляла, що буде там, з цією маленькою героїнею. Минув час і вона повернулася додому і це оргомне полегшення. Я знаю, що їй знадобиться ще багато років, щоб послабити той кошмар, який випав на її життя. І тоді я вирішила переступити всі умовності і все-таки розпочати новий цикл робіт, присвячений АНГЕЛАМ АЗОВА. І ось перша робота готова, нехай вона летить мережами розповідає про нашу неймовірну силу! Ми всі віримо у швидку перемогу! СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ! СЛАВА ГЕРОЯМ!!!

“Birds of Paridise” 50x50cm, 2016, private collection, Melbourne, Australia.
Original is in Ryazanoff Art Gallery, Melbourne, Australia Prints and posters available.This work was created in Melbourne. Every morning these lovely creatures, rosella parrots awoke me with ringing singing and morning bustle. They were doing my day! Australia is amazing - animals and birds are incredibly beautiful. The original painting is represented by the gallery of Ryazanoffb Melbourne.

“Blue Dream 1” 80x100cm, exhibited in London until August 2025.

“Blue dream” Saatchi Gallery.

“Clifton Beach” 70x50cm. Available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine. Prints and posters available in my Redbubble.
Morning on Clifton is not forgotten. The ocean before your eyes does not lie in the plane, but stands vertically, like a wall of blue glowing mass of water. The smell of kelp fills the bedroom with the aroma of freshness and summer.

“Dance of little giraffes”,100x70cm, 2018 available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
I am with great pleasure that I continue my new series of African invasions. This time "Dance of little giraffes" by analogy with "Dance of little swans". My giraffes, like street dancers, perform their virtuoso dance right in front of the Odessa Opera and Ballet Theater, hoping to get a place in the theater troupe !!! Let's applaud them !!!

“Dreamland” 100x120cm, 2006. The original painting is available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
Prints and posters available in my Redbubble Artshop
Series “Ah, Africa” Nature, people, and animals in Africa are tough not to fall in love. I was fortunate to travel a lot on this beautiful continent.
Ernest Hemingway said, “Everyone who has visited Africa bites a black fly and he can not help coming back here.” So with me, I no longer imagine myself without elephants and hippos, without nights and nightlife in the bush.

“Fairy Spring” 40x30cm, available in “Musa” Gallery, Odesa, U&kraine

“Fire Dancing” 80x100cm, 2022, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
“The Day of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist is one of the most solemn holidays not only in the Slavic world, but in almost all of Europe. It falls around the summer solstice. This holiday is popularly known as Ivan Kupala. June 21 is the most important day of the solar calendar, according to which our distant ancestors lived - the Day of the Summer Solstice, that is, the longest day of the year. This is the time of prosperity, the greatest strength and power, activity, energy, and not young and only emerging, but mature, stable, being "at the peak" of its power.

“Flying above the City” 50x60cm, collection of Ryazanoff Gallery, Melbourne, Australia.

“Friends from Uland” 40x30cm, available in “Musa”gallery, Odesa, Ukraine

“Garden of my Dreams” 170x250cm, available in Binovska Gallery, Cape Town, SA.
The beauty of our world must conquer all evil on Earth and we must all live in the gardens of our dreams and enjoy every moment of our lives. This work arose thanks to my daughter, it was she who inspired me to create it.

“January Metamorphoses” 100x80cm, 2021. Available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.

“Life is Bright ” 75x100cm, sold by Binovska Gallery in private collection, Cyprus.
"Life is bright or Joy of being" This is my new painting. The situation in which we all unwittingly found ourselves after February 24 irritated my soul. I created a lot of paintings, in which I expressed everything that I thought in the last year - these were terrible works. I don't show them to my grandchildren. I went through this and now I realized that in spite of all this, I must bring the light and joy of being into the world. While I am here.

“Limassol Elephants” 90×120 cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.

“Lаdy Spring” 70x50cm, private collection, Ukraine

“Morning Tea” 70x90cm, museum collection, Ukraine

“Night Dreams” 70x70cm, private collection Cape Town, SA.

“Night wispers” 70x70cm, private collection, Cape Town, SA.

“Old Man” 100x80cm Saatchi Gallery

“Parking Girl” 100x70cm, unavailable in Ukraine.

“Proteas” 70x90cm, private collection, Cape Town, SA

“Purple Flamingos” 50x70cm, avalable in the Ryazanoff Gallery, Melbourne, Ausralia

“Rock Painting” 120x150cm, unavailable in Ukraine.

“Sugar birds” 70×50, available at Binovska Gallery, Cape Town, SA

“Summer Beauty”80x100cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Limassol
Flowers, Hydrangea, pink flowers, botanical, bouquet, bush, floral, nature, summer, enjoyment
I have been living in exile for the second year now, but I am trying to change the anger in my soul to the everyday joy of being. No one can know what will happen to us in the next moment. You just need to live, and our life is priceless.

“Taste of the Victory” 90x120cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.

“Where clouds are born” 90x70cm, 2019 available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
Do you have a place where you can watch the birth of clouds? And I have- it is Nordhoek. A tiny, barely visible cloud forms in the sky, and if there is some time, then you can see how a real large cloud is born and grows, which can then linger for a long time over Chapmans Peak. This is a place of power and a place of my dreams. Есть ли у вас место где вы можете наблюдать рождение облаков? А у меня есть- это Нордок. В небе образуется малюсенькое еле видное облачко и если есть немогог времени то можно видеть как из него рождается и растет настоящее большое облако, которое потом может задержаться надолго над Чапманс Пиком. Это место силы и место мечтаний.

“Wow, Africa” 145x76cm, private collection, Ukraine.