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“Stephania” 2024, 100x100cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus


Tatyana Binovska “Stephania” Oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2024, Cyprus


“Mother Stefania, mother Stefania
The field is blooming, and she is turning gray
Sing me a lullaby, Mom
I want to hear your native word again”
I was looking for a name for my new work for a long time and finally found it.
Do you know that lately, I am afraid to spill my thoughts into painting, I know that they come true. Here I decided to convey the centuries-old history of the Ukrainian people. We were not allowed to speak our language, territories were and are being taken from us, and they want to destroy us. My idea was that at the end, after the sunflowers were painted, at first golden yellow like the sun, but gradually pouring blood, to splash the whole canvas with blood-colored paint, but I stopped, stopped because I was afraid. I don’t want this ending of my story. And our language, our culture, no matter how these wild hordes try to take it away, we will bring our children and grandchildren into the world, through lullabies that we will sing quietly at night! Glory to Ukraine.


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