prints and posters
Отображение единичного результата.

“Afternoon Siesta”. 60x80cm, 2018, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
Having lived for a long time in Africa, I was convinced that people living in close proximity with animals find greater harmony with the outside world. they become much wiser, kind, and noble. And since I am now divorced from this wonderful world, I want to populate the city in which I live now, the city of Odessa, with a large number of African animals. Prints and posters available on my Прожив долгое время в Африке, я убедилась в том, что люди живущие в непосредственной близости с животными обретают большую гармонию с окружающим миром. они становятся намного более мудрыми, добрыми и благородными. И так как я сейчас оторвана от этого чудесного мира, мне хочется населить город в котором я живу сейчас, город Одессу, большим количеством африканских животных.

“Azola” 100×70, available at Binovska Gallery, Cape Town

“Best Wishes 1” 120x150cm, private collection LA, USA

“Best Wishes” 120x150cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine. Original work can be purchased. For questions, please refer to the comments! Prints and posters available in my Redbubble and Society6 artshops! This work is one of the most popular in the series "Ah, Africa" and now the original is on sale. You can also purchase a variety of products with a picture of my wonderful zebras!

“Birds of Paridise” 50x50cm, 2016, private collection, Melbourne, Australia.
Original is in Ryazanoff Art Gallery, Melbourne, Australia Prints and posters available.This work was created in Melbourne. Every morning these lovely creatures, rosella parrots awoke me with ringing singing and morning bustle. They were doing my day! Australia is amazing - animals and birds are incredibly beautiful. The original painting is represented by the gallery of Ryazanoffb Melbourne.

“Blue Dream 1” 80x100cm, exhibited in London until August 2025.

“Blue dream” Saatchi Gallery.

“Bridges of Hamburg” 120×200, 2008
The original work can be purchased. For questions about cost, please contact us in the comments. You can order prints and posters. This artwork belongs to my Great Art Project “Sea-Ocean” and was created in one night on the board of the ship that was located in Hamburg Sea Port. I all this series of paintings that I called SOULART.

“Clifton Beach” 70x50cm. Available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine. Prints and posters available in my Redbubble.
Morning on Clifton is not forgotten. The ocean before your eyes does not lie in the plane, but stands vertically, like a wall of blue glowing mass of water. The smell of kelp fills the bedroom with the aroma of freshness and summer.

“Dance of little giraffes”,100x70cm, 2018 available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
I am with great pleasure that I continue my new series of African invasions. This time "Dance of little giraffes" by analogy with "Dance of little swans". My giraffes, like street dancers, perform their virtuoso dance right in front of the Odessa Opera and Ballet Theater, hoping to get a place in the theater troupe !!! Let's applaud them !!!

“Dreamland” 100x120cm, 2006. The original painting is available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
Prints and posters available in my Redbubble Artshop
Series “Ah, Africa” Nature, people, and animals in Africa are tough not to fall in love. I was fortunate to travel a lot on this beautiful continent.
Ernest Hemingway said, “Everyone who has visited Africa bites a black fly and he can not help coming back here.” So with me, I no longer imagine myself without elephants and hippos, without nights and nightlife in the bush.

“Elephant Soccer” 70x50cm. Sold private collection, Melbourne, Australia
This artwork was created in 2016 during my art residence at the Redbabble Company in Melbourne, Australia. Despite the fact that I was fascinated by the nature of this beautiful continent, the images of my beloved Africa kept my imagination. The original artwork sold in private collection, in Melbourne. You can order a copyright copy of the size that you need and also Buy products from my Эта работа была созданы в 2016 году во время моей арт резиденции в компании Редбаббл в Мельбурне, Австралия. Несмотря на то, что я была очарована природой этого прекрасного континента, образы любимой Африки не переставали волновать мое воображение. Картина продана и находится находиться в частной коллекции, В Мельбурне. Возможен заказ авторской копии.

“Flying above the City” 50x60cm, collection of Ryazanoff Gallery, Melbourne, Australia.

“Hasta la Vista”100x300cm, collection of the National Art Museum of Ukraine

“Lady from Uland” 40x30cm, available at “Musa gallery, Ukraine.

“Lady with “Mushka” 100x50cm, unavailable in Ukraine.

“Lady with Cat” 89x122cm, unavailable in Ukraine.

“Lаdy Spring” 70x50cm, private collection, Ukraine

“Morning in Noordhoek” 50x70cm, private collection, Israel

“Morning in Savanna” 70x70cm, unavailable in Ukraine.

“Morning Tea” 70x90cm, museum collection, Ukraine

“Night Dreams” 70x70cm, private collection Cape Town, SA.

“Night wispers” 70x70cm, private collection, Cape Town, SA.

“Proteas” 70x90cm, private collection, Cape Town, SA

“Purple Flamingos” 50x70cm, avalable in the Ryazanoff Gallery, Melbourne, Ausralia

“Purple Lillies” 100x126cm, Saatchi Gallery.

“Regards from Eternity” 170x250cm, private collection, Japan.

“Remeniscence” 150x70cm, unavalable in Ukraine

“Rock Painting” 120x150cm, unavailable in Ukraine.

“Roxanne & Angels” 140×100, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine. This is my favorite model, Roxanne. I met her at the fashion market in Cape Town The Old Biscuit Mill and invited to become my model. Roxanne is a real and famous model in South Africa and I am very glad to get acquainted with such a beautiful woman.

“Snowdrops” 100x80cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.

“Sound of Drums” 100x50cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine. This work is painted specifically for the group exhibition in Pretoria, South Africa. The theme of the exhibition is "Do you hear the sound of the drums?" At artwork is my favorite model of Roxanne, in the clothes of the ZULU tribe. All the beads on her attire are made with voluminous paints of French origin.

“Sugar birds” 70×50, available at Binovska Gallery, Cape Town, SA

“We took Odessa” 50x60cm, unavailable in Ukraine.

“Zebras” 70x90cm, available in Binovska Gallery, Cape Town, SA

The first time during the safari I really wanted to see the giraffes and it was extraordinary. The driver showed me in the distance on the hill a herd of these beautiful Первый раз во время сафари мне очень хотелось увидеть жирафов и это было необыкновенно. Водитель показал мне вдалеке на холме стадо этих необыкновенных животных возвышавшихся над деревьями как высокие, яркие столбы электропередач. Но позже, я поняла, что безмерно влюблена в слонов, этих огромных и очень чувствительных великанов.