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http://www.redbubble.com/people/binovska/Prints and posters available in my Redbubble and Society6 artshops!
Artwork from the "Ladies series" This series was created in Cape Town and on it I decided to show the beauty of South African women and nature. In the Western Cape is located the so-called "Kingdom of Flowers", a plants called the fairbos, from ancient Dutch it is "big bushes". The beauty of these plants is indescribable and the main kind of kingdom are the proteas Flowers. And the most attractive animal for me, of course, are elephants.
Работа из серии «Леди» Эта серия была создана в Кейптауне и на ней я решила показать красоту южноафриканских женщин и природы. В Западном Кейпе расположено так называемое «Царство Цветов», растения под названием феинбос, с древне голландского языка это «большие кусты». Красота этих растений неописуема и основным видом царства являются протеи. А самым симпатичным для меня животным, конечно же является слон.
I was born in Ukraine and as every citizen of any country, interested in the history of my country. I always wondered where the name Ukraine came from. In Ukrainian, "kraina" is a country. It turns out that Ukraine is a "U" country!
After spending the summer at a summer House in Odessa, my grandchildren inspired me to create a new series of a country of elves and amazing animals called Uhland !!!
The color solution of the series was influenced by my trip to Australia, where I liked the multicolored hairstyles of people.
Morning on Clifton is not forgotten. The ocean before your eyes does not lie in the plane, but stands vertically, like a wall of blue glowing mass of water. The smell of kelp fills the bedroom with the aroma of freshness and summer.
This painting is one of the series "Lady" which I started in South Africa. This series was inspired after meet with the real ladies of Cape Town. For the first time in my life I met people who are very different from all those whom I met before. These people do not have to think about work. Their life is filled with art and entertainment. They are heirs of great fortunes. And women are busy with their homes and their comfort. It's so beautiful and I'm sure that's in their homes. necessarily live fairies.
"Lady with a cat," is a story about how women from Europe came to Cape Town and adapted to the conditions of wild Africa.
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