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“Azola” 100×70, available at Binovska Gallery, Cape Town
My beautiful model Azola, I often paint pictures with her image. She is wonderful!
The painting is located in Cape Town, South Africa, shipping at the expense of the buyer.

“King’s Gift” 126x100cm. Available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
The artwork from the "Ladies" series. This series was started in Cape Town and on it I decided to show the beauty of South African women and nature. In the Western Cape is located the so-called "Kingdom of Flowers", a plants called fairbos, from ancient Dutch it is "big bushes". The beauty of these plants is indescribable and the main kind of this kingdom are proteas. You yourself know what is the best gift for women, it is certainly flowers. My work depicts a young prince who gives a bouquet to his young wife.

“Lady Autumn and Lady Winter” 89x122cm, unavailable in Ukraine.
This painting is one of the series "Ladies" which I started in South Africa. To create a series I was inspired to meet with the real ladies of Cape Town. For the first time in my life I met people who are very different from all those whom I met before. These people do not have to think about work. Their life is filled with art and entertainment. They are heirs of great fortunes. And women are busy with their homes and their comfort. It's so beautiful and I'm sure that's in their homes necessarily live fairies.
Эта живопись одна из серии "Леди" которую я начала в Южной Африке. На создание серии меня вдохновили знакомства с настоящими леди Кейптауна. Впервые в жизни я встретила людей, которые очень отличаются от все тех, кого я встречала ранее. Этим людям не приходится думать о работе. Их жизнь наполнена искусством и развлечениями. Они наследники больших состояний. А женщины заняты своими домами и их уютом. Это так красиво и я уверенна, что в их домах обязательно живут феи.
На этой работе я описываю приближение к прекрасной осени первых заморозков. Когда они нежно пощипывают нашу кожу

“Lady with “Mushka” 100x50cm, unavailable in Ukraine.
This painting is one of the"Ladies" series which I started in South Africa. To create a series I was inspired to meet with the real ladies of Cape Town. For the first time in my life I met people who are very different from all those whom I met before. These people do not have to think about work. Their life is filled with art and entertainment. They are heirs of great fortunes. And women are busy with their sweet homes and their comfort. It's so beautiful and I'm sure that's in their homes. necessarily live fairies.
Works from this series were presented at many exhibitions in different countries. And now the opportunity of their acquisition has appeared and at you !!!
Эта живопись одна из серии "Леди" которую я начала в Южной Африке. На создание серии меня вдохновили знакомства с настоящими леди Кейптауна. Впервые в жизни я встретила людей, которые очень отличаются от все тех, кого я встречала ранее. Этим людям не приходится думать о работе. Их жизнь наполнена искусством и развлечениями. Они наследники больших состояний. А женщины заняты своими домами и их уютом. Это так красиво и я уверенна, что в их домах. обязательно живут феи.
Работы из этой серии были представлены на многих выставках в разных странах. А теперь возможность их приобретения появилась и у вас!!!

“Morning Tea” 70x90cm, museum collection, Ukraine
Original purchased in Collection of Odessa State Literature Museum, Ukraine
Prints and posters available.
Оригинал работы приобретен Одесским Государственным Литературным Музеем Украины. Возможен заказ принтов и постеров.
This is one of my most recent works and it is devoted to my beloved city of Odessa and its beautiful past.
Это одна из самых последних моих работ и посвящена она моему любимому городу Одессе и ее прекрасному прошлому.

“Remeniscence” 150x70cm, unavalable in Ukraine
Original work can be purchased. For questions, please refer to the comments! Prints and posters available in my Redbubble.!
This Painting is belong to my series "Ah, Africa" depicts a woman in the clothes of the Khoza tribe, I met her in the center of Cape Town and I really liked the image. Despite the fact that she lives a modern life, she feels an undeniable connection with her ancestors, their culture and traditions. It seemed to me that her eyes, the foremothers are looking at civilization.