Отображение 41–80 из 150 результатов
“Good Wave” 70x70cm, 2021 available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
Tatyana Binovska "Catching the good wave" Oil on canvas 70x70cm, 2021 My beautiful granddaughter Charlotte has already grown up and she grew up in Cape Town. Her father taught her to surf. For me this is fine, but I am very worried about her. I dedicate this work to her. I Wish her to be absolutely happy. If someone wants to buy this painting, I will give all the money to Charlotte. I think she will find something to invest in!
“Goodbye my Summer”90x70cm, 2021. Avalable at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine
“Hasta la Vista”100x300cm, collection of the National Art Museum of Ukraine
“Home for my Dreams” 80x100cm, 2020. Available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
2020 has become a time of limited communication for everyone, because of Covid-19. But we live in social networks and this provides new opportunities for inspiration. Now the boundless kingdom of information is open for us, and it was on the Internet that I met amazing people: Yan Stepanenko and Olga Makeeva, a fashion designer and his model. They inspired me to create a whole series of new works, for which I am immensely grateful to them!
“IRISES” 120x150cm, unavailable in Ukraine.
“January Metamorphoses” 100x80cm, 2021. Available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
“Kelain” 90x70cm, unavailable in Ukraine.
“King’s Gift” 126x100cm. Available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
The artwork from the "Ladies" series. This series was started in Cape Town and on it I decided to show the beauty of South African women and nature. In the Western Cape is located the so-called "Kingdom of Flowers", a plants called fairbos, from ancient Dutch it is "big bushes". The beauty of these plants is indescribable and the main kind of this kingdom are proteas. You yourself know what is the best gift for women, it is certainly flowers. My work depicts a young prince who gives a bouquet to his young wife.
“Lady Autumn and Lady Winter” 89x122cm, unavailable in Ukraine.
“Lady Europe” 76x91cm, unavailable in Ukraine.
“Lady from Uland” 40x30cm, available at “Musa gallery, Ukraine.
“Lady Moon” 122x90cm, 2013 available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
My story is about the Moon. The Moon is so mystic and tricky, as the beautiful Lady. They both change our life and fortune.
“Lady with “Mushka” 100x50cm, unavailable in Ukraine.
“Lady with Cat” 89x122cm, unavailable in Ukraine.
“Lady&Chameleon” 40x30cm, private collection, Cape Town, SA
“Life is Bright ” 75x100cm, sold by Binovska Gallery in private collection, Cyprus.
"Life is bright or Joy of being" This is my new painting. The situation in which we all unwittingly found ourselves after February 24 irritated my soul. I created a lot of paintings, in which I expressed everything that I thought in the last year - these were terrible works. I don't show them to my grandchildren. I went through this and now I realized that in spite of all this, I must bring the light and joy of being into the world. While I am here.
“Life or Existance?” 100x75cm, 2023, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.
Everyone who comes into this world always has a choice. And everyone turns out to be in front of him. Should you live a life full of adventure and discovery, or spend it in a series of routine? To be … Читать далее
“Limassol Elephants” 90×120 cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.
“Lаdy Spring” 70x50cm, private collection, Ukraine
“Melody of the Nature Lines”. Oil on canvas, 80x60cm, 2020. Available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
What could be more beautiful than the creatures of nature? They surround us in this life and I am happy that I can convey to you how beautiful our life is!
“Mermaids” 30x40cm, available at Binovska Gallery, Cape Town, SA.
“Miracle of Nature” 70x70cm, 2021, available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
T. Binovska "Miracle of Nature. Peonies. 2021 Last summer, perhaps due to the fact that the whole world was covered by a pandemic and coming out of it was a holiday, it was more productive for me. This summer, I mostly enjoyed the warm and sunny weather. But these peonies, given to me by my daughter, did not leave me indifferent! Enjoy and you are the real miracle of nature.
“Modern Model” 80x60cm, 2020 available at Binovska Gallery, Ukraine.
It is wonderful to have many canvases of different sizes at once. Thanks to quarantine, I made an order via the Internet, and 14 canvases were brought to me at once! And now I am free - and any idea can easily be embodied! How I like to paint beautiful people and share it with great pleasure!
“Moonlit Ukrainian Night, 60x60cm,available at Binovska Gallery, Cyprus.
Ukraine, Night, Sunflowers, Moonlit, moon, Blue sky, Stop war in Ukraine, Blue flowers
I my country with all my soul and my soul hurts.
My painting is dedicated to the beauty of the Ukrainian night, which is sung in songs.
"Нічь такая зоряна"
Ніч яка місячна, зоряна, ясная!
Видно, хоч голки збирай.
Вийди, коханая, працею зморена,
Хоч на хвилиночку в гай.
Сядемо вкупочці ми під калиною –
І над панами я пан!
Глянь, моя рибонько, – срібною хвилею
Стелиться в полі туман.
Ти не лякайся, що ніженьки босії
Вмочиш в холодну росу:
Я ж тебе, вірною, аж до хатиноньки
Сам на руках однесу.
Ти не лякайся, що змерзнеш, лебідонько,
Тихо – ні вітру, ні хмар...
Я пригорну тебе до свого серденька,
А воно палке, мов жар.
“Morning in Noordhoek” 50x70cm, private collection, Israel
“Morning in Savanna” 70x70cm, unavailable in Ukraine.
“Morning Tea” 70x90cm, museum collection, Ukraine
“My Ukraine- my Pain” 100x80cm, 2022 exhibited in Brugge, Belgium.
My grandmother survived the October Revolution of 1017, the Second World War and the Holodomor. In the middle of the war, she was wailing my 15-year-old future mother in the field, shells were flying through the yak. She tryed to hide her daughter from the forced resettlement to Germany. Today my grandmother and my mothers are no longer alive and I quiet, I can’t imagine what kind of stench they would have known about Russia treacherously attacked us. Until my creative path of dedication to the beauty of our planet, the beauty of people. And today, I want to show the whole world, how many millions of Ukrainians feeling now. If someone decides to buy this picture, know all the funds received from the sale, I will transfer to the fund of our VICTORY!
“Nature Lines” 70x50cm, available in Ukraine.
I love life and I love nature and of course I love flowers. I am confident that art should bring people a holiday and enjoyment of life.