Walk around Melbourne. I already told you that the office of the Redbubble company where I worked was located in the heart of the business center of the city, so I walked there almost every day and shot both video … Читать далее
Australian notes. Walk around Melbourne.
Walk around Melbourne. I already told you that the office of the Redbubble company where I worked was located in the heart of the business center of the city, so I walked there almost every day and shot both video … Читать далее
Australian notes. Portraits painted in Melbourne.
Portraits painted in Melbourne. People in different countries behave differently in relation to portraits. In Cape Town, I painted a lot of portraits, but at my own request, and not to order. Here, I really liked the fact that people … Читать далее
Friday news from Limassol. March, 2023
Friday. News of Limassol. The big news this week is that my Akrounta Zebras have gone on and have you any idea where? To Africa! They flew to Kenya. Only today they were picked up by the postal courier DCHL. … Читать далее
Australian notes. Ryazanoff Gallery.
Ryazanoff Gallery. I told you that when I met Lena, I was delighted. I had a gallery owner interested in my work. And while I was in Melbourne, everything went well. I have the opportunity to be even more busy. … Читать далее
Australian Notes. Portrait of Rita and acquaintance with Lena Ryazanova.
Portrait of Rita and acquaintance with Lena Ryazanova. How interestingly fates, acquaintances and events in our lives are intertwined. Many years ago, when I was still a student of our OGCU, I met Rita Belostozkaya. It seems to me that … Читать далее
Australia. Master Classes of Zebras painting in Redbubble! 2016
Master Classes of Zebras painting in Redbubble! https://youtu.be/iKtPTQy6q8o Right now in present time In Cyprus, I’m going back to my master classes. And then in 2016, I decided for my own socialization at the Redbubble company, I decided to teach … Читать далее
1000 posts in my Google Blog!
Я точно не знаю, коли в мене виникла потреба записувати свої думки, але я перетворилася на справжнього графомана. І у мене сьогодні ювілей, У моєму блозі у мене сьогодні кругла цифра – 1000 повідомлень! Можете мене привітати. https://binovskaya-artist.blogspot.com/
My work in the Redbubble Company. Australia, 2016
Work at Redbubble. https://www.redbubble.com/shop/?query=tatyana%20binovska&ref=search_box I told you a lot about my walks and acquaintances in Australia, but you do not know what I did directly every day in the Company’s office. As I already said, all the residents, and there … Читать далее
Friday. News from immigration. Cyprus. March, 2023
Friday. News from immigration. Cyprus Hello! As you already understood, we returned to Cyprus, which gave us shelter. Tourism ended, the continuation of life in immigration began. Our conditions have changed, Radu and I now live separately and I … Читать далее