Tatyana Binovska “Creator”
I want to tell an interesting story of one of the works from the series “Black is White”. Starting this series, A ngels began to inhabit my studio one by one, and sometimes they came in groups. But I began … Читать далее
Tatyana Binovskaya Art
I want to tell an interesting story of one of the works from the series “Black is White”. Starting this series, A ngels began to inhabit my studio one by one, and sometimes they came in groups. But I began … Читать далее
How was born the idea of creating this series. After living in Cape Town, I learned that Africans are not what American films represent. In fact, they are very sincere, they love life, love their loved ones, they are kind … Читать далее
In 2009, we moved to Cape Town, which absolutely conquered me with the beauty of its nature and of course the beauty of the people. Compared with Ukraine, it was a real colorful and vibrant paradise. Especially for me as … Читать далее
В апреле 2010 года прошла заключительная выставка проекта “АХ, АФРИКА” Она была организована Посольством ЮАР в Украине, а именно послом Южноафриканской республики Дрисом Вентером. Экспозиция была организована в музее София Киевская и открытие приурочена национальному празднику Дню свободы. На открытие … Читать далее