My murals in Hotel De Medichi, Brugge, Belgium.
I was so happy to create Commission murals in Hotel De Medichi, Brugge, Belgium!!! It was painted in cold encaustic ancient technic used in old Greece.
Tatyana Binovskaya Art
I was so happy to create Commission murals in Hotel De Medichi, Brugge, Belgium!!! It was painted in cold encaustic ancient technic used in old Greece.
Первая презентация проекта прошла в Морской Арт Галерее. Это было в январе 2006 года. Галерея с трех сторон была окружена покрывшимся льдом морем, а в галерее царила атмосфера жаркой Африки. На презентации присутствовал посол ЮАР в Украине, начальник одесского порта … Читать далее
T.Binovska, “Strelizia reginae”, oil on canvas 100×100 sm, 2006 T.Binovska “In love” (ndebelle tribe), oil on canvas, 100x100sm, 2006T.Binovska “Best wishes 1” oil on canvas, 120×150, 2006 T.Binovska “Best wishes” oil on canvas, 120×150, 2006 T.Binovska “Reminiscence” oil on canvas, … Читать далее
The desire to create a series of paintings devoted to Africa came to me after my first time visit to Cape Town. Before that I associated in my mind Africa with red and yellow colors. … Читать далее
When the artist is closed in his small world. what can become his inspiration, his environment, his thoughts. Nowadays, inspiration can be found in the vast information world. I always compared the time in which the impressionists worked and our … Читать далее
In 1998, another very interesting event took place, that was my participation in the European Art Fair, Line-Art Ghent, Belgium. More than 800 galleries from all over the world participated in the exhibition, which took place for 17 consecutive … Читать далее
Моя галерея “На Уютной”. Одесса. Украина ] Открытие выставки Сергея Белика. На фото Сергей Белик и Татьяна Биновская. Раду и Татьяна Биновская. На фото шахматный стол Сергея Ивченко за ним Александра и Андрей Лавренюк. Артем Петров и … Читать далее