My murals in Hotel De Medichi, Brugge, Belgium.

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  I was so happy to create Commission murals in Hotel De Medichi, Brugge, Belgium!!! It was painted in cold encaustic ancient technic used in old Greece.

Opening ceremony of the “Ah, Africa” Art Project , Odessa, Ukraine 2006

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Первая презентация проекта прошла в Морской Арт Галерее. Это было в январе 2006 года. Галерея с трех сторон была окружена покрывшимся льдом морем, а в галерее царила атмосфера жаркой Африки. На презентации присутствовал посол ЮАР в Украине, начальник одесского порта … Читать далее

Tatyana Binovska art project “Ah, Africa” – artworks.

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T.Binovska, “Strelizia reginae”, oil on canvas 100×100 sm, 2006 T.Binovska “In love” (ndebelle tribe), oil on canvas, 100x100sm, 2006T.Binovska “Best wishes 1” oil on canvas, 120×150, 2006 T.Binovska “Best wishes” oil on canvas, 120×150, 2006 T.Binovska “Reminiscence” oil on canvas, … Читать далее

“LineaArt Fair” Ghent, Belgium in photos 1998.

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Ghent gave me the opportunity to meet remarkable artists from all over Europe. This  is David Little Junior, he was born in London, and studied with John Lennon in one drawing school, Anya Vedenskaya, who became a Belgian artist, Igor … Читать далее

Linea Art Fair , Ghent, Belgium

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  In 1998, another very interesting event took place, that was my participation in the European Art Fair, Line-Art Ghent, Belgium. More than 800 galleries from all over the world participated in the exhibition, which took place for 17 consecutive … Читать далее

Brugge in my life.

размещено в: "Na Uytnoy"Art Gallery, Art, Articles | 0

Brugge, 1997 In February, my husband Radu and me departure to Belgium  to complete the order –  wall painting in the technique of cold encaustic for the Hotel de Medici … This was preceded by a lot of preparation and … Читать далее

My Art Gallery “Na Uytnoy” in photos.

размещено в: "Na Uytnoy"Art Gallery, Photos | 0

Моя галерея “На Уютной”. Одесса. Украина ] Открытие выставки Сергея Белика. На фото Сергей Белик и Татьяна Биновская.       Раду и Татьяна Биновская. На фото шахматный стол Сергея Ивченко за ним Александра и Андрей Лавренюк. Артем Петров и … Читать далее

Perestroyka. My First Art Gallery “Na Uytnoy”

размещено в: "Na Uytnoy"Art Gallery, Art | 0

All of us who were born after the Second World War lived most of our adult lives in the false Soviet Union. In the early 1990s, our lives changed. Having worked for more than 15 years at the Odesa Art … Читать далее

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