Yalta. International Art Project “Pallete of Freedom” 2008

размещено в: Articles, Life stories, Maritime Art Gallery, Travel | 0

More photos: https://binovskaya-artist.blogspot.com/2020/09/yalta-international-art-project-pallete.html In May, I first celebrated my birthday myself, I mean without Radu and the girls, in an unfamiliar company. I was invited to take part in the international project Palette of Freedom, which was organized by the Kiev … Читать далее

Maritime Art Gallery.  Maritime Art Gallery “The first auction dedicated to the centenary of Izdebsky’s salon”

размещено в: Art, Articles, Life stories, Maritime Art Gallery | 0

Maritime Art Gallery “The first auction dedicated to the centenary of Izdebsky’s salon” The last significant event in the gallery was the auction of Odessa painting, as the organizers called it, the first auction dedicated to the centenary of Izdebsky’s … Читать далее

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